Features of the rental contract

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The rental contract is the heart of RENT-ALL.Its task is to keep track of the rented equipment, customer data and the rental period.
Here the rental price is calculated automatically and payments and/or deposits are recorded. This important screen also allows you to issue a 'courtesy' receipt. RENT-ALL can be connected to a cash drawer, for issuing the tax document directly from the software.
From the contact screen, you can: take and store a picture of the customer's ID, hook up a mobile number or email address and the name of any hotel for planned deliveries and pick-ups of equipment.

Example screenshots of the RENT-ALL rental agreement
NO! The RENT-ALL software is not a fiscal tool, but a management tool. Therefore the emission of the contract does not necessarily imply the issuance of the fiscal receipt.
YES! The system is not fiscal: at any time you can delete a contract even if the payment has been registered.
NO! The contract is not personal, you can insert for example an entire family (mum, dad, daughter who rent 3 bikes, 3 helmets and 3 locks) in the same rental contract, managing in this way a single receipt and a single payment.
NO! You can make a single contract for 1 day. For items rented to mom, you can specify that they will be rented only 2 hours: in this way you can manage the situation with a single receipt and a single invoice.
You can use any webcam available on the market, compatible with your device. For an optimal result, it is recommended to purchase the RENT-ALL accessory that acts as a stand and has a webcam at the right distance, for a correct focus of identity documents.
YES! The system stores the date and time of the main operations executed on the contract. It is also indicated from which account they were made.
YES! It is possible to avoid to print the paper contract and prefer the sending of it directly by email to the customer. All remain digital and the system memorizes the sended contracts that I can consult for possible objections.
I can decide in which language print or send the rental contract that is customizable in every moment.
If in abbined with the Checkin through QR Code results all faster because recover quickly the inserted customer datas, among which the signature
The software will inform you immediately that there is a conflict problem if the contract that you are creating overlaps to a future booking.
We have done an algorithm that allow to search an alternative to the future booking in an automatic way
YES! You can set that it gives you alarm after a determinate number of hours after the article has been rented or anyway after a determined number of days
Some customers that rent via ferrata kit or other personal protection equipment use it so they can do some more deepen controls
There is a section material preparation where there are listed all the reservations, both those from Internet as those manually made
It permits to print a list of the material or of the single tickets that can be applied on the bike / equipment.
The system moreover informs if there were some operations to do, as for example move a bike that is returned in another location.
You can send with an easy click a SMS to all the customers that have still to return. Easy, fast and immediate.

Invoice Collection

Manage collection with invoice



Add guarantee for rented material

Discover how

Contract Signing

Collect digital signatures

Discover how

Fiscal Cash Register

Integration with cash register systems


Receipt Printing

Generate rental contract



Increase your reputation


Pickup Control

Check the delivery and pickup of items at hotels


Agencies and Hotels

How to manage collaborations


We keep in touch

Contact us for any doubt or request, we will answer your questions within 24 hours (working days only).

Find out why more than 250 rental companies trust RENT-ALL solutions.

The advantages:

  • Our experience and professionalism at your side
  • More satisfied customers
  • A fast and organized service in your rental

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