Checkin on customer's phone

With the advent of the COVID 19, all the people should be avoided, for this reason RENT-ALL has developed a brand new checkin that can be used directly from the customer's phone.
YES! That's right, just put a QR-Code like this on the outside of your store
so that a customer can independently enter all the checkin data even before entering the rental.

QRcode outside checkin RENT-ALL

This will allow you to avoid assemblages within the rental moving the tail outside and no less important to speed up equipment delivery, greatly reducing the waiting time.
How will it work? Once the customer has entered all his data, a barcode will appear on the display, which can be used with the readers directly from the phone, and will also display the number of customers queuing before him.
Thanks to all this will be eliminated even the external gatherings leaving the customer the possibility to leave for their own convenience and then return to the rental only at the right time.
With Outside checkin you will solve the problem of the assemblage in the rental and at the same time you will be able to provide a better service to the customer.

Functionality in short:

qrcode Rent-all.it Easy, simple and intuitive
qrcode Rent-all.it Fully configurable in all its functions
qrcode Rent-all.it Possibility to make multiple checkins on the same phone
qrcode Rent-all.it Progressive checkin numbering to manage the queue order
qrcode Rent-all.it Privacy consent management
qrcode Rent-all.it Integrated digital signature
qrcode Rent-all.it Interface developed in 19 languages
qrcode Rent-all.it Usable on all smartphones ( Apple iOS, Android )
qrcode Rent-all.it Usable with all browsers ( Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc.)

Hands holding tablet that has the checkin on the screen RENT-ALL
YES! Even if you do not have internal checkins, RENT-ALL will allow you to manage the queue in an orderly way and to fill in the contract with all the customer's data, including days, hotel, etc. only by reading the barcode displayed on the phone.
NO! the normal operation of RENT-ALL remains valid, the outside checkin if used provides many advantages and facilities in the organization of the queue, managing a progressive number of customers waiting outside the store.
SURE! A customer can check in for himself and the whole family by getting all the barcodes for each family member on his smartphone.
CERTAIN THAT NO! Whether the checkin is done internally or externally, the numbering is common and progressive, thus ensuring the correct chronological order of arrival.

look at the steps for queue management with the use of outside checkin

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You don't have the checkin in the rental? read here all the advantages

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Want to know more about outside checkin, contact us here for a demo

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