Barcode labels


Labeling of all the rental equipment, surely makes it easy and fast every step of the rental.
We can provide a personalized label, equipped with an adhesive that can resist, even if applied on difficult surfaces and water resistant.
Moreover, being plasticized, it is not damaged by sun, solvents or pressure washers, if used with adequate caution.
It may not be necessary to label the rental equipment: if the equipment already has a barcode screen-printed in fact, can be safely used for the identification of the equipment, the important is that it is unique, that is different for each rental item.

Example of barcode label used by RENT-ALL rental management software
By reading the barcode, within the RENT-ALL system you can:
  • Hire a tool or assign it to a contract;
  • Open a rental contract to start the return phase of a rented item;
  • Search a specific article in the registry, for example to check its availability;
  • Open a reservation for each item;
  • ... o execute many other operations, to make your work easier and faster.
YES! Any barcode is compatible, the important thing is that it guarantees the uniqueness of each item. The labels supplied by RENT-ALL have the characteristic of being tested to guarantee adhesiveness and resistance to sun and solvents.
NO! Keeping a growing code or category or typology identification is not necessary, it would be a peculiarity difficult to keep valid and consistent over time.
No problem! When the customer arrives to return the equipment, it will be sufficient to read another label, for example that of the helmet. If there is no code available, you can search easily the rental contract by your first and last name.
Then you will need to change the label to one that is available, or reprint a label that is the same as the previous one.

Why barcodes?

How to facilitate rental


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  • Our experience and professionalism at your side
  • More satisfied customers
  • A fast and organized service in your rental

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